Sherry Ayittey Died: Know Everything About her Life

May 2024 · 3 minute read

The passing of Sherry Ayittey, the former Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, marks a moment of sadness as she has left us at the age of 75. Her contributions to the field of fisheries and her dedicated service to the nation will be remembered and honored. Her legacy will continue to inspire those in the realm of environmental and developmental work.

Who was Sherry Ayittey?

Madam Sherry Ayittey, born in 1948, had her secondary education at Labone Secondary School in Accra. She later attended Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and a Master of Science in Industrial Microbiology. She also served as the managing director of Ghana Industrial Holding Corporation (GIHOC) Distilleries and held positions on various management boards in Ghana, including the Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation and the Ghana Forestry Commission.

Madam Ayittey played a significant role in international environmental affairs, leading Ghana’s delegation to the United Nations conferences on Climate Change, Combatting Desertification, and Biodiversity. Her efforts were instrumental in the creation of the famous Paris Climate Agreement.

Additionally, she is a founding member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and has been actively involved in the party’s activities and government roles. She served as a women’s activist, a minister of state, and a National vice chairperson within the NDC. In 2009, President John Atta Mills appointed her as the Minister for Environment, Science, and Technology, and later in 2013, President John Dramani Mahama appointed her as the Minister for Health, succeeding Alban Bagbin in that position.

Sherry Ayittey Died: What was her Cause of death?

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Hon. Dr. Hanny Sherry Ayittey, a former Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture under the previous NDC government. Her exact cause of death remains unknown at this time. The family, represented by Nii Kofi Ayittey of Akwetey Nantan, Osu Alata, issued a statement confirming her demise on July 22, 2023.

“The head of the family, Nii Kofi Ayittey of Akwetey Nantan, Osu Alata, announce with deep sorry the death of their beloved daughter and sister, Hon. Hanny Sherry Ayittey on July 22, 2023. The family will announce further details in due course,” the family added in a statement signed by Nii Kofi Ayittey.

Sherry Ayittey was a remarkable stateswoman, dedicating her life to serving our nation and the NDC party. Her wisdom, grace, and unwavering commitment to improving our society were truly inspiring. Throughout her time in office, she made significant contributions that will be remembered and cherished forever. Her legacy of compassion and leadership will continue to guide and inspire us in the years to come.

I send my sincere condolences during this terrible moment. May her memory be a source of strength and comfort for her family and all those whose lives were touched by her extraordinary presence.

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Tributes to Sherry Ayittey

Palgrave Boakye-Danquah Posted,

Dr. Hanny Sherry Ayittey (Hon.) – RIP

I’m deeply saddened by the news of your death.

Friday 26th May, 2023 (about 8weeks ago) was our last connect and conversation. You were such a LADY and a true democrat. RIP Hon.

Aku-sika Kpene Posted,

Yesterday was a bitter sweet day for the NDC fraternity especially the women wing, whiles we were celebrating the holy matrimony of our National Women Organiser, Hanna Bisiw Louisa news of the demise of our tower and mentor Hon Sherry Ayittey just hit us with shock. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Aunt Sherry was a tower and selflessly paid her due. She was so full of life and energy when we met in Assin North recently.

Rest in Peace Mum. 💐
