Alina Gorbacheva Missing: Concerns Rise Within Skating Community

May 2024 · 3 minute read

The Alina Gorbacheva missing case has raised concerns and outrage among the skating community and beyond

Alina Gorbacheva is a name that has been making headlines since her disappearance on September 21, 2021. 

The 16-year-old Russian figure skater, who is the 2023 Russian Junior Champion, went missing in Moscow after leaving the ice rink at the “Chkalov Arena.” 

Her disappearance has sparked concerns and outrage in the figure skating community and beyond. 

Let’s get into a detailed account of the latest updates, possible reasons for her disappearance, and the ongoing search efforts.

MISSING: 16-year-old figure skater and Russian junior champion Alina Gorbacheva.

Alina vanished in Moscow last night after she left the skating rink at the Chkalov Arena and went towards the Vladimir Church.

She was last seen on cameras around 19:00 when she entered the park.

— War&Peace (@realpeacenotwar) August 29, 2023

Alina Gorbacheva Missing

Alina Gorbacheva went missing on August 29, 2023, around 7:00 PM, after leaving the ice rink at the “Chkalov Arena” in Moscow. 

The figure skater was captured on camera at the address Volokolamskoye Shosse, building number 67, and hasn’t been seen since. 

Despite the search efforts, there has been no significant lead in finding her, causing her family and the skating community to worry and speculate about her disappearance.

Is she found?

As of writing, Alina Gorbacheva is still missing, and the search is still ongoing.

The police, the search teams, and the volunteers have been searching various areas around the park near Pokrovskaya Embankment and Vladimirskaya Church, where she was last seen. However, they haven’t found any traces of her yet. Her information has been entered into the facial recognition database, but the cameras in Moscow haven’t detected her.

Possible reasons for her disappearance

There have been several speculations and rumors about the possible reasons why Alina Gorbacheva went missing. 

There could be a reason for this, which revolves around the skater’s connection with her coach, Sofia Fedchenko. 

Reports suggest a conflict arose between the coach and the skater’s mother, Ekaterina Gorbacheva. 

This conflict stemmed from the coach separating the girl from her mother at the age of nine.

Furthermore, Alina was considering changing coaches, which may have caused a dispute between her and Fedchenko. 

On the day of her disappearance, Alina reportedly refused to go to practice, and a conflict between her and the coach occurred before the training. 

Some sources say that Alina ran into the locker room, and when Fedchenko entered, she only saw Gorbacheva’s skates. 

The girl’s grandmother also revealed that the coach forbade the family from meeting her for the past three years, saying that Alina shouldn’t communicate with her family members to achieve success.

Search and Rescue Efforts

The search for Alina Gorbacheva has been an extensive and ongoing effort. 

The police, search teams, and volunteers have been scouring different areas around the park near Pokrovskaya Embankment and Vladimirskaya Church, where the woman was last seen. 

They’ve utilized dogs, drones, and other equipment to maximize coverage, but no significant leads have emerged. 

Moreover, the skating community and general public actively engage in the search, sharing information and updates via social media platforms.

Some figure skaters and coaches have even offered a reward for any information to help find Alina Gorbacheva.
