How To Know The Authenticity of Your CBD Vape Oil?

May 2024 · 5 minute read

CBD vape oil is a type of CBD oil mixed with a carrier liquid to thin the oil. This carrier liquid has been processed for use in a vape pen. It is usually available in a pre-filled cartridge which can be attached to the vape pen.

CBD vape oil is a type of CBD oil mixed with a carrier liquid to thin the oil. This carrier liquid has been processed for use in a vape pen. It is usually available in a pre-filled cartridge which can be attached to the vape pen. This cartridge is a battery that heats the liquid to produce vapor. The consumer inhales this vapor for a soothing experience.

CBD vape Oil has various forms: Full spectrum, Broad spectrum, and CBD isolates. While the full spectrum contains THC, the broad spectrum includes cannabinoids other than THC. CBD isolate is the purest type of CBD and contains only CBD.

The last few years have seen massive demand for cannabidiol products. Out of all the products, CBD oil is the most popular due to its health benefits and recreational characteristics. Though there are many available options in the market, finding authentic CBD vape oil is more complicated than you think. Since the Food and Drug Administration does not control CBD, the quality can vary between brands. Here are a few ways to spot Fake CBD vape oil.


  • Check the label thoroughly: Phrases like Pure cannabidiol, certified CBD, Hemp-derived, and Full spectrum must be mentioned. Go through the label to make sure that the constituent concentrations are mentioned.
  • Look for TSA-approved oil: When out to fetch CBD vape oil, look for TSA approval on the label. TSA approved represents naturally derived and safe products.
  • Ensure Third-party verification: It is advisable to look for products that have gone through a third-party verification process. Best companies ensure good quality and transparency.
  • Look for the extraction process: Try to look for the extraction process mentioned on the product. Select products that are manufactured with alcohol or the CO2 extraction process. You should refrain from buying CBD oil that does not mention any extraction process. Sourcing, quality control, and production practices are necessary insights while selecting CBD vape oil from a wide range of products in the market.
  • Check social media engagement of the company: CBD market is evolving. Sellers and companies are using social media for marketing and promoting products. A genuine company ought to have a social media presence. Review the brand’s official website for transparency about production processes and organic certifications.
  • Look for a suitable price: Once you do preliminary research on the market prices, you can have a standard idea about the price of a dose. However, do not fall into the trap of low prices. CBD is still an expensive product, and if you find it available for drastically cheaper rates, then it may not have the right amount of CBD and ingredients advertised.
  • Look for clear or plastic bottle packaging: Most high-quality CBD oil products come in dark-colored glass bottles as UV rays break down the oil’s compounds. Quality brands store CBD oil in properly preserved bottles.
  • Look for organic products: CBD products grown organically possess better quality, safety, and effectiveness. Hence, opt for organic products while looking for authentic CBD vape oil.
  • CBD-Oil

    Why is fake CBD oil dangerous?

    While purchasing CBD oil, consumers look for pure and safe products. Fake products can expose you to several dangerous substances, which may adversely impact your health. Here are a few substances you need to stay away from while using CBD vape oil.

  • Additives: Authentic CBD vape oils are distilled and isolated. However, studies show that few people fall sick vaping CBD oil. Several additives present in CBD vape oil can lead to severe health issues. Vitamin E acetate is a hazardous CBD vape juice additive that adversely impacts the consumer’s health. Few other harmful additives are propylene glycol, sweeteners, and artificial colorings found in CBD gummies and other edibles.
  • Toxins: Toxins, namely xenoestrogens, are harmful substances that can severely impact human genetics and endocrinology. Be careful while buying products that contain toxins.
  • Heavy metals: Hemp has the properties of being a bio-accumulator. This trait makes hemp absorb soil-borne toxins at a very fast pace. This issue can be dealt with by growing hemp indoors in a controlled environment. However, some growers do not want to bear the burden of additional expenses and expose consumers to heavy metal poisoning.
  • Cannabis

    Effects of using unauthentic CBD vape oil

    Fake CBD vape oil is synthetically manufactured in laboratories and contains several harmful substances like heavy metals. There have been many instances where vast numbers of people have reported falling sick after consuming CBD oil. Later, it was found that the CBD oil was fake. The Utah poison control center reported some of the adverse effects of fake CBD oil, which were psychosis, hallucination, seizures, chest pain, high blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting.


    Variation in quality and lack of regulation in the CBD market has made an unscrupulous entry of inevitable fake products. You cannot just walk into your next shop and grab CBD vape oil without looking at the product label and details. Sometimes harmful additives and synthetic chemicals can damage the quality and safety of CBD oil. Hence, knowing the source of hemp used in the production of a CBD product is significant as it gives you insight into the product’s authenticity. Relevant information on the source label can indicate whether the hemp is organic or contains other pesticides and heavy metals injurious to health.

    Labeling issues are a common phenomenon these days. However, you need to be careful in case of any variation. Such instances raise concerns about the authenticity of the products. You must ensure that the CBD concentration mentioned on the COA matches the product label.

    Consuming CBD vape oil requires vape pens and cartridges. It is essential to ensure the quality and legitimacy of your vape cartridge. Consuming CBD vape oil from a counterfeit vape cartridge is a potential danger. You need to spot fake cartridges without any packaging or serial number. Avoid buying without a proper internet search about the company and brand.
