Michelle Ntalami: Why I Broke Up With Makena Njeri

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Kenyan beauty entrepreneur and social influencer Michelle Ntalami has finally laid her heart out bare and opened up on the culmination of events that led to her eventual breakup with former BBC journalist Makena Njeri.

In a 3-part and long-captioned Instagram announcement, the Marini Naturals mogul made the revelations in what she claimed was in her quest to stand by the truth.

Ntalami cited multiple infidelity incidents with a series of women as one of the main reasons why she felt they had to part ways.

She claimed that after inquiring, the two women Makena had allegedly cheated with had confirmed having affairs with her.

“The truth of the matter of why we are no longer together is serial infidelity on their part with multiple partners. Those I suspected and confirmed are two individuals; one a public figure, and the other a less known married woman, a health worker. Eventually, these individuals undoubtedly confirmed the above. I attach screenshots and my responses simply to alleviate denial,” she confirmed.

Ntalami went on to state that the deceit and lies spewed during the relationship have taken a toll on her mentally and emotionally for almost a year, which she says was deteriorated by Makena’s unwillingness to admit and apologize.

She stated that it would have been different had Makena admitted to her wrongdoings.

“As soon they knew I found out, they fled, occasionally popping in and out of my life but never once with the truth. This has caused me immense mental and emotional pain. This explains the unfollows and disengagement on social media and socially,”  she added.

She went on to write that she is still grappling with the devastation of it all, and that she is working towards forgiving Makena.

“I loved you truly, deeply and loyally. I didn’t deserve the deceit and dishonesty. But I choose to focus on how boldly we loved, the beautiful experiences we shared, the impact we had and the lives we touched. When the right time comes, I wish you even more love. At least we stole the show,” she concluded.

Before Ntalami’s remarks this evening, Makena had for the second time spoken about her relationship with Ntalami.

She, however, made it crystal clear this time round that they were not dating.

Appearing on Radio Jambo on Wednesday, June 9, Makena stated that it was wrong for people to perceive Ntalami as her wife, owing to their close relationship, insisting that they were just good friends.

Ever since then, this is the first time that the hair product line owner has publicly addressed her long rumoured relationship with Chris Njeri alias Makena.

Here is her full Instagram monologue below.
