Ashley Duncan Obituary News: Niskayuna, New York, Beloved Daughter, Ashley Duncan Passes Away Sudden

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Ashley Duncan Obituary News: Niskayuna, New York, Beloved Daughter, Ashley Duncan Passes Away Suddenly

Ashley Duncan Obituary: Sadly, Ashley Duncan, a cherished daughter and Dallas, Texas, resident, passed suddenly.

“It’s with the heaviest of heart that we even have to post this. Ashley passed away Saturday afternoon. We need prayer for answers, piece of mind and justice. We loved our beautiful girl and this world will never be the same. The only piece of mind we have is knowing our babies are together and they will be there to greet us!”

Who was Ashley Duncan?

Ashley Duncan was born in Niskayuna, New York, and currently resides in Dallas, Texas. She was Tonya Koch-Duncan’s and Darrin Duncan’s devoted daughter. She comforted and encouraged many, making lifelong friends with her kind smile and listening ear.

Ashley was adored by her family and friends for her generosity, sense of humor, and wisdom. She also left a lasting impression on everyone who had the good fortune to come into contact with her.

Her cousins, Adam Duncan, Nick Duncan, Ryan Duncan, Katie Mae Gonyea, and Raegan Adrianna, all adored and treasured her. Those who have been fortunate enough to see Ashley view her as a ray of hope, able to comfort even the most troubled souls.

Her unique and humorous nature charmed everyone in her vicinity. Many were impacted by her kind and personable demeanor, and she became an inspiration to everyone.

Ashley tragically lost her life far too young, leaving a void in the hearts of all those who knew and loved her. But her memories and the impact she had on the people she touched will always be a part of her legacy. As a beloved daughter and friend, she will always be remembered.
