Curvy Young Lady Shares Banging Body Photos, Gets Numerous Marriage Offers

May 2024 · 2 minute read

- A young lady has received much attention on social media after she posted her beautiful photos

- There were tweeps who complimented her shape, saying the creator did well on her

- The lady's photos got lovely receptions from netizens who gave her thousands of likes

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A lady with the Twitter handle @Phillbae has set tongues wagging and men asking for more as she shared her beautiful photos.

In a post she tagged "Overcoming", the lady struck different poses that smack of great confidence as she wore an infective smile.

One of the snaps has her frozen in a shaku-shaku dance move. With over 6,000 likes as at the time of writing this report, many people praised her beauty with glowing words.

There were male tweeps in her comment section who just could not get enough of the photos.

See her photos below:

We compiled some of the reactions below:

@Fawibe4brain asked:

"Omo to rewa nie. Shey mole Fe e Sile?"

@ONwanks said:

"Now this is a beautiful woman."

@xpose_lif wondered:

"Will it be baad if one wakes up to this smile by his side?"

@blaqabey said:

"You're probably part of those people who are like 'I'm not black. I'm brown' abi? You fine anyway."

@BawiSimeon said:

"Omo God really settle down."

@OyewunmiEmmanu2 said:

"U re such an epitome of beauty."

Meanwhile in other marriage news, We previously reported South African fashion designer Tomi Rikhotso has been quite active on social media as he showcases his latest designs. Recently, he shared a post on Twitter that was a bit out of the ordinary for him. The talented designer stated that he has R75 and proceeded to ask his followers: "Let’s go to Home Affairs tomorrow, anyone?"

A lot of SAns took to Tomi's replies section to accept the spontaneous offer. Many picked out dresses from Tomi's collection and asked him to "bring the dress" and they would meet him at Home Affairs.

@___dominicRSA said in response to Tomi: "Congratulations to that lucky somebody." @marge_majola asked: "Does the invite come with your dress?" @malindi_s also asked: "Do I get to wear two of your dresses?"

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