Jerome Brooks Obituary What Happened To Jerome Brooks? How Did Jerome Brooks Die?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Who Was Jerome Brooks?

Jerome Allen Brooks, Jr., born on June 5, 1987, in Jackson, Mississippi, was a beacon of achievement and dedication. His journey, marked by academic excellence and professional prowess, took him through the halls of Choctaw County High School, Howard University, Cornell University, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Jerome was not just a student; he was a visionary, actively involved in the Diversity, Acceleration, and Inclusion Academy at the University of Southern California. His professional accolades included a significant role at Nike, where his contributions were both valued and impactful.

What Happened to Jerome Brooks?

Jerome’s life took a tragic turn following a controversial event involving Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. On October 21, 2023, a leaked audio recording from Current Revolt revealed Congresswoman Lee harshly criticizing several male staffers, including Brooks. The audio, brimming with disparaging remarks, labeled Brooks as a “fat ass stupid idiot,” triggering public outcry and debate over workplace harassment and mental health.

How Did Jerome Brooks Die?

The aftermath of the leaked audio was swift and devastating. Just eight days following the tape’s release, on October 29, 2023, Jerome Brooks was found deceased, having taken his own life. This tragic incident left the Houston community and beyond in profound shock and mourning. The direct correlation between the leaked audio’s release and Jerome’s subsequent death raised serious concerns about the impact of workplace bullying and mental health struggles.

The Silence of Sheila Jackson Lee

In the wake of this tragedy, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, then a mayoral candidate for Houston, maintained an unsettling silence. Her lack of public response or acknowledgment of the incident involving Jerome Brooks added to the growing unrest and speculation within the community. This silence begged questions regarding the accountability and responsibility of public figures in the face of such personal crises.

Remembering Jerome Brooks

Amidst the turmoil and questions, Jerome Brooks’s legacy as a bright, ambitious individual remains undimmed. Plans to lay him to rest alongside his cherished grandmother at Greater First Baptist Church in Lisman, Alabama, were made, a testament to his deep familial ties and the respect he garnered in life.

Seeking Justice and Answers

The mysterious circumstances of Jerome’s untimely passing have ignited a call for justice and clarity. The community’s demand for answers has led to ongoing investigations, delving into the events preceding his death. These inquiries aim not only to provide closure but also to ensure that such a tragedy is not repeated, highlighting the need for better mental health support and workplace conduct standards.

The Impact on Houston and Beyond

Jerome Brooks’s story is not just a local tragedy; it resonates far beyond Houston. It underscores the critical need for addressing workplace dynamics, mental health awareness, and the responsibility of public figures in their interactions with staff and constituents. Jerome’s death serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of neglecting these crucial aspects of communal and professional life.


The passing of Jerome Brooks is a somber chapter in the narrative of our society’s struggle with mental health and workplace respect. As investigations continue and the community seeks closure, the legacy of Jerome Brooks stands as a powerful call to action. It urges us to create environments where respect and mental well-being are paramount, ensuring that the tragedy of Jerome Brooks becomes a catalyst for positive change rather than just another forgotten headline.
