Egyptian makeup ideas and important facts you need to know

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Egyptians were among the world's first civilized people. They were scientists and mathematicians. Moreover, they invented writing by using ink to write on a paper called papyrus. Egyptian makeup history dates back to 4000 B.C. Ancient Egyptians donned their faces with almond-shaped eyeliners, painted their nails, dyed their hair, and wore perfumes. The current generation built beauty standards based on ancient Egyptian makeup ideas.

Ancient Egyptians upheld personal hygiene because their life revolved around celebrations. They would bathe and use cosmetics, perfumes, and breath mints daily to look and feel presentable at events. Their main goal was to take care of their looks and health so that their gods would find them worthy of eternal life. Their cosmetic industry was vast and profitable. Beauticians today strive to master how to achieve Egyptian makeup because the products and ideas are trendy to date.

Facts about Egyptian makeup

Cleopatra was a paragon of beauty. As a woman of insatiable sexuality and avarice, men considered her the most seductive woman. What did Cleopatra use for makeup? Before you find out Cleopatra's secrets, here are some Egyptian makeup facts:

  • It was disrespectful for the people to go before their gods smelling foul. Priests were expected to bathe more often, for they constantly interacted with the gods.
  • Pharaohs and wealthy class members had personal beauticians and hairdressers to look after them. They wrote the king's manicurist's job title on the person's tomb because it was a prestigious job.
  • Both men and women used cosmetics on their faces, braided their hair, wore wigs woven from papyrus plants (for the rich) and vegetate fibers (for the poor), and shaved their heads.
  • Egyptian women had makeup tables and multiple applications and storage tools like spoons, flacons, vases, unguents, and boxes.
  • Ancient Egyptians buried their loved ones with beauty products and items like hairpins, makeup containers, and brushes for them to use in the afterlife.
  • Death makeup was also available to preserve, beautify, and refresh the smell of the corpse.
  • Egyptians practiced cosmetic surgery and tattooed their bodies. Papyrus Ebers provided tips for childhood skull shaping, fixing noses and ears, and healing body parts disfigured by warfare or accidents.
  • These people used anti-wrinkle remedies and sunscreen creams. Their products preserved a youthful appearance and prevented wrinkling.
  • Women whitened their faces with cerussite; therefore, bleaching creams and culture are not a recent invention.
  • Egyptian makeup male rules required male priests to sanctify themselves by plucking out all their body hair, including eyebrows and lashes.
  • People manufactured these products and sold them within and outside the country.
  • What did Egyptians use for makeup?

    Cleopatra's big nose, protruding chin, and wrinkles were not considered beautiful by many people, but she knew how to use makeup and presented herself more graciously than the queens of her time. Cleopatra's beauty lay in her melodious voice and makeup. What Egyptian makeup products did she use? How do you make Egyptian makeup? Read the details below:

    How to do Egyptian makeup

    Are you looking for inspired Egyptian makeup styles? You can check online multiple Egyptian makeup looks. Use the Egyptian makeup palette to create a long-lasting and luxurious eye makeup look.

    Was Egyptian makeup toxic?

    On the contrary, they used skincare oils and other products to protect themselves from skin infections. For example, the black eyeliner kept the flies away, and the lead-based makeup acted as a toxin. It killed bacteria that caused eye inflammations and diseases when the Nile flooded, thus stopping the infections from spreading.

    Some scientists argue that lead, arsenic, and other metals used to add beautiful color pigments to the ancient Egyptian makeup were poisonous and dangerous to the skin. However, makeup users and beauty professionals admit that Egyptian products are the most legit and healthy.

    Egyptian makeup is among the most admired makeup today. Thanks to these brilliant people, the beauty industry is the primary income source to many people worldwide.

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