Pills & Potions: SA Set to Begin Trials for Pill-Based COVID 19 Vaccine

May 2024 · 3 minute read

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An Israeli pharmaceutical company has just approved the trial of oral coronavirus vaccines on South African shores. The little pills are expected to be an easy alternative to the vaccine shots South Africans have been receiving and with only 30% of the population fully vaccinated- we'll definitely need it.

The pills manufactured by Oramed Pharmaceuticals will arrive in Mzansi next month and undergo Phase 1 trials, Times of Israel reports.

Some experts believe this pill could be an easy alternative to reluctant vaxxers, especially those with a fear of needles. Experts believe encouraging peeps to take the pill will be a lot easier, The South African reports.

The pills will also be a lot easier to store and transport.

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Covid 19: Over 60-year-olds will be paid to vaccinate from 1 November

In related news, Briefly News previously reported that to boost vaccination efforts, the Department of Health will incentivise South Africans over 60 years old to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

The department will give "Vooma Vouchers" to people over 60 who receive the Covid-19 vaccine from Monday 1 November 2021 onwards. These vouchers will be received via SMS and can be gifted to others at the recipient's discretion.

Vooma Vouchers can be redeemed at any Shoprite, USave or Checkers store. The department said they intend on extending the programme to people over 50 years old shortly.

How Vooma Vouchers work

According to Business Insider, after receiving the vaccine, people over the age of 60 will get an SMS asking for their consent to create a Shoprite account on their behalf, which will require them to provide their passport ID number.

Vooma Vouchers are valid for 30 days and can be used to purchase groceries, mobile data, and electricity. There will initially be enough vouchers available for 260 000 people, distributed on a first-come-first-served basis.

Although it must be noted that these vouchers carry two conditions. Firstly, they can not be exchanged for cash and secondly, they only apply to those being vaccinated for the first time. People over the age of 60 who receive their second dose of the Phizer vaccine from 1 November 2021 do not qualify.
